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Dr. Ashley Comfort, MD

Obstetrician & Medical Director She / Her
“I believe patients know their bodies best, so I empower them with the right information so they can make informed decisions about their care.”
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Dr. Ashley Comfort (she/her) is a board-certified OBGYN and medical education enthusiast, dedicated to delivering high-quality, patient-centered care. Her passion lies in improving healthcare quality and efficiency, particularly during the pivotal transitions of pregnancy and childbirth. She is particularly interested in bridging communication gaps between providers and patients as well as medical education. She is delighted to be working at Oula as the Medical Director, advocating for patients and providing holistic care that considers the whole person's experience.

Prior to joining Oula as Medical Director, Dr. Comfort practiced as an Academic Generalist OBGYN in Boston. A native New Yorker, she earned her BSc in Chemistry from NYU and her medical degree from the Keck School of Medicine at USC.

Dr. Comfort has received numerous awards for teaching and clinical excellence, including the CREOG National Faculty Teaching Award and Boston University’s Distinguished Faculty of the Month. Her research focused on postpartum hemorrhage, disparities in care delivery, and predictive measures for postpartum complications. She is currently working on education to help patients better advocate for themselves.

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