Kendall McCoy, LM, CNM
A Baltimore, Maryland native, Kendall McCoy is a Licensed Midwife who is passionate about working with patients through the reproductive lifespan. She believes in the power midwifery care has to transform the patient experience and improve outcomes through its focus on the whole person and family unit.
Prior to joining Oula, Kendall worked as a full scope midwife at a private, mixed model practice in Brooklyn. Before becoming a midwife, she spent 6 years as a Labor & Birth nurse and doula. Working in varied care settings illustrated to her how much systemic work must be done to advance birth equity, provide respectful reproductive healthcare, and improve birth outcomes.
Kendall has an Advanced Certificate in Midwifery from New York University, a Masters in Nursing from Johns Hopkins University, and a Bachelors of Arts in Mathematics from Boston College. She has supported transition to practice for new midwives through ACNM, the national professional organization for midwives, and NYU.